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· Faith  · 3 min read

Guided Meditation to Help You Remain in Jesus When Change is Hard

Change can be hard. Learn how you can decrease frustration and allow Jesus' peace to settle over you so you can easily move forward toward your goals.

Change can be hard.  Learn how you can decrease frustration and allow Jesus' peace to settle over you so you can easily move forward toward your goals.

Do you ever get frustrated with yourself because you just can’t make the change you want to be? You do the things you don’t want to do, and/or you don’t do the things you do want to do. Read on to learn more about how your brain is wired and how remaining in Jesus will help you move forward when change is hard.

Change & Your Brain

First of all you have to know, change is hard. Your brain doesn’t necessarily like change. Sometimes it would rather keep doing the same old thing (even though it may not be bearing good fruit) because it’s too scared to make a change. That’s when having patience with yourself as you remain in Jesus can be the strategy you need to actually make the change and make it stick long-term.

Remaining in the Jesus when you’re trying to make a change is vital to your success at making the change. God knows you better than you know yourself. He knows exactly what you need and when you need it, but being the true gentleman he is, he wants you to ask him. And be open to receiving him.

By just resting, remaining in Jesus will calm your racing thoughts, and allow the Holy Spirit’s peace to settle over you, lowering your stress hormones. Pulling you out of the stress response and into the arms of the Prince of Peace. In that peace, your brain is free to receive inspiration & courage to move forward with whatever God is calling you to.

The more you remain in Jesus, the safer, more confident you feel to make a change that will produce good fruit.

Remain in Jesus to Make Changes

So how do your turn off your racing thoughts? How do you tune into the Lord and allow yourself to just rest in him so you can receive that inspiration? So you can feel safe & courageous to move forward?

One way is through guided meditations. Listening to someone cue your body, mind & spirit to relax, release your tense muscles, and most importantly tune into the Lord with scripture, questions and words that allow you to open yourself to the Lord and all the blessings he has for you.

Here’s my latest guided meditation. It’s based on John 15 I Am the Vine, You Are the Branches. It encourages you to relax your body, mind & spirit as you just rest, remain in Jesus as he remains in you.

Remain in Me as I Remain in You Guided Meditation

What is God calling you to let go of? To change? How is God calling you to remain in him? Remain in love? Take a few moments to listen as I paint a picture of how you can answer Jesus’ call to remain in Him as He remains in you, so you can make the changes you want to make & enjoy the journey.

If you enjoyed this guided meditation, share it with someone who you think may benefit from it too. Wishing you many blessings!

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