Your life starts now.
For Christians who want to rejuvenate their life by PRAYING OFTEN, EATING WELL & MOVING MORE
Whether it's taking time in the morning or finishing your day with prayer, it's Julie's signature introduction to helping you strengthen your relationship with the Lord and feel your best again.
Whether you're challenges with a chronic disease or looking to get more energy back, Julie can help you make nourishing your body simple and enjoyable.
When you move, you feel good and learning what works for you is crucial to your success. Julie knows how to get you moving the way that works best for your lifestyle.
About Julie

Working with Julie
Have Julie Speak at Your Next Event
Prayer is the #1 Healthy Habit
Julie will help you discover how God designed you as well as help you discover the strategies & encouraging support you need to lead the happy, active, vibrant life God is calling you to by making prayer your #1 healthy habit.
All group sizes
Julie enjoys speaking for small & large group as well as online audiences & retreats.
Julie's On Line Programs
Refreshed, Recharged & Aligned with God's Design
The Pray. Eat. Move. Transforming YOU! online program provides key activities like short, educational & thought provoking videos, scripture-based guided meditations as well as journaling that will help you discover how God is calling you to pray often, eat well & move more.
Other Programs
Scripture-based guided meditations & journaling prompts include an Advent & Lent series as well as an Emotional Eating program.
Private Coaching with Julie
1-on-1 Coaching
Julie offers a limited amount of 1-on-1 coaching clients that want to work with her on a more private and personal level. Coaching is like a bridge, it helps you get from where you are to where you want to be.
Continued Growth
Private coaching pairs well along side any of Julie's on-line programs, or as a way to continue your grow and deepen your daily practice after completing a program.
Get Your Free Journaling Guide
Sign up to receive your free guide and start your journaling journey today.
Ready to Transform Your Life?
Empower your journey through prayer, eating well & moving more.
" I've been more mindful of my food intake, have been setting aside better prayer time, and am determined to move more....all because of YOU! Thanks for being such a blessing to me! "
5 Day Challenge Discouraged to Devoted Participant
" Julie's voice is so soothing to listen to in her guided meditations. Her reflections in her Lenten Journey with Jesus are meaningful and elegant. "
Mary Pedersen
Former Director of Faith Formation for the Archdiocese of Dubuque
" Julie's work is vital. It helps so many people. "
L. P.
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