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· Faith  · 4 min read

3rd Biblical Truth: You are a Temple of God’s Holy Spirit

In this article, let’s take a look at the 3rd Biblical Truth – you are a Temple of God’s Holy Spirit.  Yes, God lives in you!  A very big reason to take time for self care I talked about in the last post on the 2nd Biblical Truth.  So let’s dive in to why this Biblical Truth is important and how you can use it to your advantage when you’re creating new habits.

In this article, let’s take a look at the 3rd Biblical Truth – you are a Temple of God’s Holy Spirit.  Yes, God lives in you!  A very big reason to take time for self care I talked about in the last post on the 2nd Biblical Truth.  So let’s dive in to why this Biblical Truth is important and how you can use it to your advantage when you’re creating new habits.

In this article, let’s take a look at the 3rd Biblical Truth – you are a Temple of God’s Holy Spirit.  Yes, God lives in you!  A very big reason to take time for self care I talked about in the last post on the 2nd Biblical Truth.  So let’s dive in to why this Biblical Truth is important and how you can use it to your advantage when you’re creating new habits.

This is the 3rd of 3 Biblical Truths in The Freedom Through Faith Framework that help shift your mindset and empower you to make the healthy choice the easy choice. Here are all 3 in a nutshell:

  1. God is #1 – The 1st & Greatest Commandment
  2. Love Your Neighbor as Yourself – The 2nd Greatest Commandment
  3. You Are a Temple of God’s Holy Spirit

Temple of the Holy Spirit

Do you know know that you are the Temple of God, and the Spirit of God dwells in you?

1 Corinthians 3:16

Maybe you’ve heard this bible verse-but have you ever really thought about what it means?

Your body is God’s house. 

God loves you so much he chooses to live in each of us –in you.  

He lovingly created you, died for you, and chooses to live, dwell, abide in your body, with you.  

This is the #1 take-away people have (or the one they’re willing to share with me) when I share the Pray. Eat. Move. message.  

I know it hit me like a ton of bricks when I first connected the dots.  For most of my life, I’ve struggled with self-worth, self-respect & self-love.  This verse has helped me and my clients learn how to love & honor themselves so they can prioritize self-care which allows them to sere God & others well. 

Unlocking the Power of This Truth

While this Biblical Truth isn’t intended to guilt or shame you into changing your behaviors, it is a powerful tool you can use to shift your mindset and allow you to create healthy habits that stick.  

Most people I work with have a hard time loving themselves like God commands in the 2nd Biblical Truth.  On my own journey, I actually had to start thinking of myself/my body in 3rd person. As a separate entity.  This Biblical Truth was the solid foundation that allowed me to take that step and easily make the healthy choice the easy choice.  

It became the reason I prayed often, said ‘no’ to the sugar, and made sure I moved my body.  It got me on the right track, and I come back to it when I find myself slipping back into old habits.  

Treating your body as a Temple of God’s Holy Spirit is a gift to God, your Creator.  Just like a physical home, giving God and yourself a well-maintained home to live in also makes it easier to live out the 1st & 2nd Biblical Truths.  

Align with God’s Design

You can treat your body as a Temple of God’s Holy Spirit by nourishing your body with love, food that supports it (instead of feeding your fears and doubts) as well as moving it, strengthening it and stretching it.

All so your body can do what God designed it to do.  

It’s amazing how good you feel and how well your body works when you fuel it and move it like God intended as you pray often, eat well and move more.  

What a precious gift we can give to God and others!

Thoughts to Ponder or Journal About

  • Journal or write down some positive affirmations that reflect this biblical truth.  You can choose your own or check out this post for ideas.  
  • Write with your dominant hand to sink the message in.  
  • Write with your non-dominant hand to help spark creative ways to move forward on this journey.
  • Make the conscious choice to give God a loving, healthy, well maintained home. 

Be sure to share your thoughts, insights, experiences in the comments below and start enjoying the journey!

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