Sign up for Julie's Free Lenten Journey

Renew your connection with God this season

Strengthen your relationship with God this Lent through guided meditation and journaling

Julie's Free Lenten Journey with Jesus: Creating Fertile Ground for Your New Life in Christ

Join Julie for 15 minutes a day on this Lenten meditation series and journey, renewing the garden of your heart for your new life in Christ.

Heeding Jesus' call in the parable of the Sower & the Seed to create rich, fertile ground for the Word Made Flesh, Jesus, to grow and flourish in your life.

Acknowledge what God is calling you to do to prepare your garden, take out the weeds, clear out the rocks, let go of the thorns, and ensure there is water and sunshine for the seed to take hold, transform and be fruitful.

Perfect for your busy schedule

Each day's Meditation + Journaling Prompt takes less than 15 minutes to complete.

Each week a new meditation will be released & will be available for 48 hours. (or lifetime access with paid version).

Download meditations to any device and listen anywhere when you purchase the complete package!

Finding quality time with God can be difficult when you feel like you're being pulled in multiple directions

We live in a society that prizes productivity and women have been brought up to take care of everyone and everything but themselves.

Instead of giving up chocolate or social media this year, what if you recommitted to spending time with God and taking care of yourself?

What if you could take a few minutes every day to quiet your racing thoughts and build fertile ground for Jesus to grow and flourish in your life?

What would it be like to...

Spend meaningful time in prayer with God this Lent.

Give up something that will strengthen your relationship with God.

Be able to quiet your body, mind and spririt to truly connect with God.

Be part of a community of like-minded Christian women in our Private Facebook Group.

Let go of what prevents you from allowing Christ to grow and flourish in your life.

Arrive Easter Sunday with a heart full of rich soil to embrace to the word of God with generosity and bear fruit.

How Lenten Journey with Jesus Works

Step 1: Enter your information

Recieve an email with your log in details to access Julie's VIP membership center. Pray. Eat. Move. Insiders!

Step 2: Recieve daily email lesson

Every day during Lent you will receive an email with a link to the daily lesson in Pray. Eat. Move. Insiders! membership center.

Step 3: Enjoy daily meditation

Log into the Pray. Eat. Move. Insiders! membership center to enjoy your meditation, thoughts to ponder and journal prompts from Julie.

Step 4: Community support

You will find support through access to Julie's Pray. Eat. Move. Facebook Community, where you can respond to question and talk to others about their experience.

Lifetime Access

Complete Lenten Journey with Jesus Meditation Package

Recieve 11 extra guided meditations

Listen anywhere & anytime with downloadable versions

Phone with headphones